We have a very fresh exhibition tour coming up, one you can’t miss! A tour around Europe that will combine art, sports, and food… full of #lemonattitude! Our lemon adventure will take us to Berlin and Paris after stopping in Madrid, Murcia, and Sierra Nevada.
We found Europe’s most promising visual artists and asked them to create art using our lemons as the centerpiece. The result? A series of very, very fresh works that will be exhibited on the streets of Spain, France and Germany. Take a selfie with them – you’ll be a hit on social media!

Six chefs, six mixologists, and one star ingredient: the lemon. A creative show open to the press and influencers, in which our collaborators will prepare their signature recipes. We’ll film every step and share them with you. Interested? The thought of it makes us drool!

A lemon-themed tour wouldn’t be complete without sports… or athletes! That’s why a number of well-known faces from the world of sports will help us spread the word about the healthy properties of Spanish lemons on social media. Look out for lemons in your stories!

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